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Writer's picturechristiesmith831

2020... already starts with me learning a few things...

Hi! I pray your 2020 is going well!

I just wanted to share a little bit about this past week with the start of the School of Journalism! It’s been really great. I used to always say that school itself is not the love of my life, and it’s more where God has led me for the past almost 29 years (with only one complete year off). But I’m starting to realize I really do enjoy school. It is a part of my heart. I guess it’s just having a fear I cannot complete work on time that bothers me, but continually learning something new and putting it into practice, I really do appreciate that.

So I have loved taking the beginning steps into journalism, which is basically when I see something, I am to learn how to say it to others. I’ll be discovering different ways to present an item to the world and how to direct it where it belongs.

Honestly, I have no idea where journalism is going to take me. I am nervous to write my dream job, and I know this could change tomorrow. For instance, my desire when I was younger (before my accident) was to work at a horse ranch in Colorado and take people on trail-rides multiple times a day, with doing a little art in whatever form during the winter. And while that may still be in my heart, I am going to be vulnerable and state my newest one.

If I still desire to do journalism, I would love to be a journalist for a missions organization who goes out on the field for a few months to learn more what life is like for certain missionaries on the field and do spiritual direction (my seminary degree), which is finished with flying back home to write whatever God has taught and shown me during that time. Phew. I actually wrote it down. I know, I truly do, that it’s all in God’s hands and that He can doing whatever He wants with my life.

Now I’d like to show you the church I’ve been going to here! It’s called “Freedom City Church” and it takes me about a hour/hour plus 15 minutes to get there. That’s because I usually take the train and then transfer to a bus. However, if I was just driving a car, it would just take 26 minutes (Google Maps can testify that is true). You can view the church at this website:

Our first Sunday into the building God granted us was last week and these are the pictures of it. Currently, it has about 30 to 40 people each Sunday, but even today there were a bunch of new faces. The building can hold 300 and I pray we do grow to fill that place. However, I pray most of all we keep our eyes focused on God—no matter what size the building is, or even if we have to move back into the gym we were in when I first came (which now even the pastor might shutter with mentioning going back there, haha).

The lobby/entrance

The auditorium

Pastor Andy

Even though it is the smallest church I’ve even been a part of, I really do feel at home there. It is mostly because of the people who I’ve gotten to meet have made me feel a part of their family already. But the fact that they use an expresso machine there is a very positive quality… as well as they even take a break in the service for the purpose of starting or getting another drink! More espresso? I could not ask for better.

I pray this finds you well and as always, please feel free to send me any prayer requests you have.

- Christie

(Also I found this way to send my emails in a different form and hope this makes it look more interesting… the layout may change slightly but this is what I’ve got for now)

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