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Writer's picturechristiesmith831

Amidst COVID-19

I acknowledge the crises we’re in, but I pray that somehow we see hope on the other side. I am sorry I can’t be with you—wherever you are in the world, even if we go to the same church here in Perth, or live on the opposite side of the planet. But know that we have the same God—who is always with us, no matter where we are.

I have to admit though, I feel incredibly blessed to be here in Australia (as long as my parents are safe). If I had to choose anywhere in the world, I think Australia would be at the top of list. We are incredibly low in percentages of those who have been affected by the coronavirus, so much so they’re starting to slowly loosen safety precautions. It’s crazy because I never thought I would rejoice at meeting with ten people! Unbelievable.

But still, I pray you are safe and sound. If you know anybody facing COVID-19, or in danger yourself, please let me know so I can pray for you/them!

One thing I have loved about having a reduction in our normal schedule is that I’ve started to walk nearly everyday! I go first thing in the morning, and I head to Hyde Park. It’s about 25/30 minutes away from my house, and usually I see somebody from YWAM somewhere on my path.

I’ve even gotten to know and talk to a few people who regularly walk around the lake. I’ve gotten in the habit of saying “Good morning” to everyone who crosses my path and praying for them silently in the midst of this trouble. I will admit some people smile and say “Hello” back; others are busy with their workout; while there are those who refuse to look in my direction when I know they’ve heard my voice. Oh well, I say. I hope somehow they see God in the midst of this chaos; because after all, I’m not the one who brings hope—only God has it.

And I have some unfortunate news. I had a seizure again last Wednesday. It’s so frustrating because I have no idea why. I mean I guess you could point to me being tired or very stressed, which I have been especially for the past two/three weeks. But I don’t remember either of those in an immense amount last week, and I thought I had calmed down.

Accordingly, I am thankful because I will virtually meet with my neurologist here this Tuesday. I could use your prayer though: I desperately don’t want to add on another medication because I’m afraid I will have too many chemicals in my body. Please pray the doctor would be wise.

Alas, I apologize this is a rather late letter to explain how life is over here. I have been crazy busy for the past weeks, and I was definitely planning to email you guys this weekend. Yet I didn’t expect to include that last bit of information, but such is life. I am so grateful to be safe—with a seizure on the couch, a few roommates being around me making sure I was safe, not being long in the hospital (only 4 hours), it not being that late in the day (4) and with two friends to go with me. So God blesses us, even when we feel we are undergoing the opposite.

Prayer Requests:

  • Protection from the COVID-19! For everyone.

  • For Mexico, Brazil and India right now, as they seem to be going through a large onslaught of the coronavirus.

  • It may be found out what causes my seizures and know how to prevent it (even though that seems impossible, anything is possible with God).

  • Honestly, I am not afraid of another seizure—I just have a fear of where and how.


  • My safety during my seizure.

  • Australia starting the loosen restrictions.

  • I live with 9 other girls so I never am lonely… and enjoy fellowship constantly.

  • Getting to walk to Hyde Park daily.

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