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Writer's picturechristiesmith831

First journalism experience(s)!

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

I realize it’s been such a long time, but I have been constantly busy, and even when I think I have a break… another thing pops up. Yet, now I feel I have time to catch up a little bit.

First, as you know, the lecture phase of School of Journalism was supposed to lead into our outreach to Sydney and New Zealand.

But instead of practicing journalism in those places, we had to stay here due to COVID-19. Our opportunity though was to edit Pete’s book, The Father, which he is writing currently (Pete and his wife, Shirley, are the founders of YWAM Perth). So we have spent the last three months editing a chapter or two each week. It is a wonderful book he is writing, and I’m excited whenever it gets published.

With it being six months since we began, we graduated last week, and honestly it was kind of sad because a couple of students had to leave early so it didn’t feel like our whole school. But I am glad for how God has been teaching me how to write better in the past few months, and I pray He can use that in my life for His glory somehow.

These are a few of our pictures after graduation. (There was an effect of the sun based on the time of the day)

So now I go back to being a part of Media… yet now I’m on the writing team, and not the design side. It’s weird for me, and sometimes I miss graphic design, or I think of ways it could be designed, but I have to leave that aside. I must just focus on the words that are produced right now.

In fact, two weeks ago I was notified by the woman I met on my walks to Hyde Park there was a chance for me to write an article for the newspaper she works for. The woman mentioned that possibility a few months ago, so I was thinking I had been forgotten or my work wasn’t that great. But she emailed me Friday morning asking me if I would like to do this, and even though it was due Monday night, I felt I might as well give it a try.

I’ve posted it on Instagram/Facebook, but I’m also placing it on my blog. I was initially very shocked. I thought it was going to be a two-column article that was pretty small. I hoped they would add a picture because then you could see of what I’m writing. I was incredibly shocked it was so big. And when I say shocked I mean feel in awe of how God used it.

Granted there are no sentences about God, but I pray that somehow God can be seen through it. I mean if you know me, and you know a bit of my past, it’s crazy that the girl who wrote this was one time taught how to write and speak again—that means even taught again how to make noises come out of her mouth. I am so thankful God does miracles like that.

Also, not as exciting, but YWAM decided to renovate where I used to live, so I had to move rather quickly to a new place. But with my new place, I am shocked by how nice it is! I feel I am moving into a place of luxury. However, it is full of 7 other girls (!!!) in two bedrooms with two bathrooms and one kitchen. Yep pretty tight… but we make it work. Somehow.

Alright I conclude with a few prayer requests and praises of what God has done for me over the past couple months.

Thank you so much for reading and caring about how it’s going over here in Aussie-land. I hope you are having a good day mate! Please let me know anytime of ways I can pray for you…


- I haven’t heard yet what my insurance here is going to do with my ER bills. I have submitted all the information they need, but it is taking a long time for them to get back to me.

- My past three seizures have each been about 3 months apart, and July is the third month after my last seizure. As of right now I feel fine, but it still scares me. Granted it doesn’t mean it can only occur in July, so I definitely need prayers ongoing as I don’t wish for anymore.


- At my chance to write this article—and not just a small newsletter, but for the West Australian Newspaper here. I am shocked God gave me this opportunity (with me such a new journalist!) and I pray in some way it is used for His glory.

- I became very worried when I realized Bupa probably wouldn’t cover me because my seizures are an aftereffect of a pre-existing injury. But I am really thankful as my church here, Freedom City, has told me that they would be able to support me in some way with their Emergency Welfare Fund.

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