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Writer's picturechristiesmith831

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Updated: May 8, 2021

- Dory, "Finding Nemo"

Looking back at my time in Australia, I feel it’s like I was a fish taken out of my usual bowl and dumped into the ocean. The ocean was exciting, and I loved being placed where I experienced new things around every corner, but due to certain events, it was also exhausting and unpredictable.

But even more ironic, while I was thinking about that, I realized a lot of my story is quite similar to Marlin (Nemo’s father) in Finding Nemo.” Granted I didn’t leave my home because something terrible happened (I wasn’t chasing after something I loved, like my lost son). Yet, during my time away, I went through quite a lot of unexpected events, both positive and negative—like seizures, trips to the hospital (which meant sometimes spending the night(s)), using Australian health insurance (and being thankful to God for it), taking a journalism class, deciding to write instead of doing graphic design, aiming at going to Sydney and New Zealand (which sadly did not occur), an unexpected virus affecting the world (I don’t think any of us were expecting that), and yet being able to travel to the south west side of Australia to Margaret River and Albany, etc.

All of this is quite similar to Marlin’s quest in search of Nemo in a way—some favorable (riding on the backs of turtles on the East Australian Current), while facing a lot of contrary circumstances (facing sharks or swimming through a ton of jellyfish)—and through it all he is rescued somehow, survived and found his son. And like I said, I can relate. I faced quite a lot of bittersweet circumstances, and yet God got me through it all. But He also gifted me with many blessings, so I cannot be more thankful.

From those times, I believe I have changed a lot… and yet I am very much the same person (same limp, same forgetfulness, same laughter, etc.). If you knew me before you wouldn’t be able to tell many differences, but if you’ve read what I’ve been through, you would understand any changes you see. That also basically is the same way Denver is to me. Yes, there are differences, such as apartment buildings that weren’t there before and 470 being totally laid out the way they wanted, but there are quite a few similarities, such as… pretty much everything else.

I know God took me to Australia. I wouldn’t have learned what I did if I had not gone. I am so grateful I went, and I miss it immensely. Yet, I am also glad to be back to where I call home—Denver.


Back in February, when I came back to Colorado, I asked for God to make it evident if I was supposed to stay here or not. And in many ways, I am convinced He has.

First, He gave me a job. As I said in my last letter/email, I am the administrative assistant at Boone Heart Institute, where I now work 32 hours each week (so that’s technically full time). At times it is very tiring, especially while trying to learn everything, but it is all for the health of patients so it’s worth it. It has a fun atmosphere with the people who work there, and they let me have a day off in the middle of the week to rest and recuperate. Therefore, it truly is a blessing. Please pray I do the job well, even though I do not have a medical degree under my belt. In a way, I feel this is my first job in the real world.” I’m not sure why, and I am not at all downplaying any of the other jobs I have had, but for some reason this one feels more official.

Then, God gave me a place to live. It was for a fairly affordable price (or at least in Denver), and in a location not far from the other places I have lived in Denver. It is a quick drive away from the YMCA, and they gave me a scholarship to become a member again (I am very thankful for that as well). I feel I have come to know so many people who go around 6 to 8 in the morning, and it is wonderful to see them regularly.

My car was transported out here, which actually is a lot more affordable than driving it from the east coast (and it added no mileage!). And now excitingly, I must say I am a Colorado citizen! I have a Colorado license plate! (I’ve had a Colorado driver’s license for a while though) So now no one can accuse me of driving slowly because I am an out of state driver… instead they will just be annoyed at me because I’m one of their own.


So now here are my goals for the future… as I just came back from being overseas as a missionary, I have felt and seen that God wants me to be a missionary wherever I am. This is hard as it’s a lot “funner” to be in a foreign land, or it was always meaningful to work for a mission’s organization. Yet God calls every Christian to go out into the world and spread the word of Christ—that means whether on the other side of the planet to where no one has ever heard the name of Jesus, or to your next-door neighbor. Therefore, even though I would love to go back overseas someday, I pray God uses me no matter where I am.

Then, for most of these emails, I’ve also posted them on my website/blog. However, I’ve decided to try and change my website into a different type of blog (same domain name though). It will be filled with articles of people who have faced a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) as well, or been through some other dramatic challenge in their life, where they’ve been brought through it and seen God along the way.

--> However, for ease, I’ve actually decided to keep this same group of emails to send notifications when a new article is written. Therefore, if you do not want to receive these emails I will not be offended, and at the bottom of this email there is a note to unsubscribe. I do not believe there will be an abundant amount of entries frequently because I tend to take a little longer to work on the subject and produce the article.

Then also in the future, I will just see where God leads me. I still am feeling quite tired of graphic design so I am not searching desperately for open jobs. As I said before I enjoy the job I’m in and appreciate what we do for others. And now I will endeavor in pursuing writing as much as possible, but not seek it as a full-time job. I also pray that in some way God will help me use my seminary degree, spiritual direction, so you can pray for that as well with me if you like.

And mostly, like I said before, I pray God can use me as a missionary for the rest of my life—in some way, shape or form. I want as many people to know Him as I know Him—or even better. I want them to know that no matter what happens in this world, or in your life, there is a God who looks after all of us, no matter what you’re going through—whether if that’s a car crash, facing a worldwide pandemic, having a traumatic brain injury or just living the normal day-to-day life. He sees, knows and loves you. He will walk beside you each and every day if you let Him. He makes the most sense to me apart from any other religion/belief system.

So lastly, this is the end of my support letters/turning around the corner to start a new blog—one that addresses the works of God through others’ lives. You are more than welcome to join with me on this curve in my adventures…

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.

- Psalm 25:4-5

Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

I'm so thankful to the Hunts for letting me store all this in their basement

all of my material in an apartment

and from another angle

just welcoming me back to Colorado...

...and me becoming a citizen of it!!!

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